Monday, September 7, 2015

To Retweet or not to Retweet

The world is filled with a variety of stories every day, whether it’s someone from America who went to France and ate a snail, or that the president made a big decision that day, or simply another funny cat video. Every day there are tons of people tweeting what they find, retweeting events and different news. When I go one my Twitter, I know there are things that I find completely worthy of retweeting, while other times I just keep on scrolling. Below are few examples of both.

Good Tweets:

Here is a tweet that I felt the need to retweet. There are a couple of reasons why I chose this article to retweet. For one, I find history to be very interesting and usually I find my history tweets from the History Channel Twitter account, but this time it was the New York Times. There's something nice about a news account that posts something historical, or something a little different from the usual. I also like that there is a picture tot his tweet. Putting a picture, especially when it’s an older picture, I find is intriguing. The article itself was very good and it was something different.

This is another tweet that I found was really retweet worthy. First off, the tweet states a fact that I did not know, thus getting me to want to read more about it. Another thing is that when I was scrolling down, the “BMW” part really had me stopping to look.  I just thought it was a fun fact that most people probably don’t know about, so I felt like sharing something a little different on twitter.

This tweet caught my attention a while back, because it puzzled me. I found that the tweet grabbed more of my attention, because it has to do with part of me when it says, “Western ideas.” I also find it sad that this is happening. Another attention grabber is the word “Communism.” I retweeted this for the sake of just making people aware that things that seem like their just in the movies, is actually happening in real life.

While there are tweets that I find that I should retweet for the sake of knowledge or for a laugh, there are those that I just don’t feel the need to do so. 

Not so good tweets:

My first example of a tweet that I deemed to not retweet was from the San Antonio Current. I understand that they want to stay “hip,” but using cuss words in a tweet, can be seen as unprofessional. I would not want to retweet this, for the sake of not letting my followers or maybe even future employers, to think that this is what I stand for. If the wording was different, I might have retweeted it, because it does sound interesting. Maybe rewrite it to say, “How did three drunk women even get on a school bus?!”

Here is another tweet that I just did not deem retweet worthy. For one thing, this isn’t anything new; snakes have escaped from plenty of places even before we had electricity. Yes, there is a nice picture of the cobra, but I just don’t find this to be interesting. Nothing about this really catches my attention, other than the cobra. I feel like you have to have a more interesting story line in order to make it grab the reader’s attention. Maybe something like. "King Cobra on the slither from authorities in the Orlando, Fla area."

I would not retweet this, because there is no relevance. There is a heart popping emoticon and picture of a side of shoes, most likely Nike's. This tweet make it more materialistic and “look at what I have,” which is something I do not want to tweet. I do not think that anyone should retweet everything they buy. Yes, they look like they could be nice shoes (if I could see the whole picture). Maybe if she was doing a review on this type of running shoe and show a bigger picture of the shoes, I might be more inclined to retweet this, because it is informing the public if they should get these for running or not.

All-in-all, you will always have those tweets that you don’t even notice and you have those that could really educate people and make more people aware. The tweet is up to you!

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